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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Grapefruit & Banana Smoothie

It has been a bit of a rough weekend and start to this week. I apparently have one of those terrible "summer colds" my grandmother always talked about.  Honestly, if you have to be sick, August in Texas is probably the worst possible time to have said sickness.  Ugh.... My head feels like it is  in a vice, my nose is leaking like a sieve, and my throat is on fire. Basically I feel like crap.

The best possible antidote for a cold is always going to be prevention: eat the right things, get plenty of rest, and stress management. Well the last week I have not done any of the above listed things, hence the obvious weakness in my immunity allowing me to catch, the "terrible summer cold". 

So if you are like me and happen to be enduring a visit from the wonderful common cold (please I hope you can catch my sarcasm) what now? Well plenty of rest and fluids is always a must.  Also on the menu for recovery is healthy bug fighting food! 

Today I had a tasty smoothie made from grapefruit, banana, and kiwi. 

Grapefruit is packed with Vitamin C which is an immune boosting antioxidant.  Bananas contain B6 which is a supplement that helps our bodies fight infection.  Kiwi is full of more Vitamin C and Vitamin E.  Vitamin E helps aid our bodies in the production of immunoglobulins which are our bodies defense system against invaders. 

1 grapefruit (peeled)
1 banana
2 kiwis
1/2 cup of coconut water
1 spoonful of almond butter (protein)
Ice to desired thickness

All in all we have a delicious immune boosting, cold fighting, glass of deliciousness. It really does matter how we treat our bodies and what food we eat. Remember to be kind; our bodies are amazing and deserve it.

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